Friday, April 13, 2012

5th Demo by I Hate You When You're Pregnant


Okay so I got myself I Hate You When You're Pregnant's discography after hearing The Dollar Tree from either my sister or John Spriggs (I don't remember who showed me first). I thought to myself "Well isn't that a neat little tune. I'll see what everything else is like." WEEEELLLL... ends up it's basically this guy using his stock keyboard beats and singing on top. Apparently he was a better live act.


Remember that 'Doggy Bounce' song from Flight of the Concords? Well, Imagine that kind of music, but replace those two guys with a bunch of frat boys. Somebody just turned on a beat machine and threw in a few random tracks over the top of it, and then 'sang' whatever they felt like over the top of it.


Stuckski: 2/10 (At least it sounds like the band had fun making it.)
kurtkurtkurt: 3/10 The Dollar Tree kept it from being lower.

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