This album is very, very mediocre. I mean, I know Reel Big Fish have been pumping out records and surely you hit dry spells in creativity... But I think that's when you don't release anything. Pretty much from start to end this is bland. UGH! Reel Big Fish why do you disappoint me!
If this album were by any other band than Reel Big Fish, I would probably give it a seven or eight. But, c'mon RBF! You guys are responsible for Turn the Radio Off and Cheer Up! Is this really the best you could do? You disappoint me. You could at least have released this huge pile of average under a fake name, so I could go on blissfully pretending that everything you guys make is awesome.
kurtkurtkurt: 3/10
Stuckski: 4/10
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Evil Empire by Rage Against the Machine
You know, I thought I liked album more than I actually did. I guess a lot of it boils down to if I am listening to songs and asking myself "Is this still the same song?" I'm not saying that bands can't write long songs, by all means there are bands that do it well. I just think that it wasn't working for me on this album or today or something.
"Hey, I'm kinda angry, can you tell?" If this is what the singer is trying to get across, it's working. And you know what? I'm OK with that. Angry music is nice sometimes.
kurtkurtkurt: 5/10
Stuckski: 7/10
You know, I thought I liked album more than I actually did. I guess a lot of it boils down to if I am listening to songs and asking myself "Is this still the same song?" I'm not saying that bands can't write long songs, by all means there are bands that do it well. I just think that it wasn't working for me on this album or today or something.
"Hey, I'm kinda angry, can you tell?" If this is what the singer is trying to get across, it's working. And you know what? I'm OK with that. Angry music is nice sometimes.
kurtkurtkurt: 5/10
Stuckski: 7/10
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Toxicity by System of a Down
I feel like if Danny Elfman would have decided to create metal after Oingo Boingo instead of become a famous movie composer System of a Down is roughly what he would have made. These guys were all the rage when we moved to Arkansas back in the day (and Metallica and Slipknot and A Perfect Circle and Tool. Metal was king there.) I've always enjoyed the song Chop Suey, but I feel that they need to cut out almost whole minutes in some of their songs for me to enjoy the Album more.
What the hell kinda genre does System of a Down play anyways?! Circus Metal is about as close as I can get to describing it. Chaotic and hilarious, with songs like Bounce and Psycho especially keeping me laughing. The singer's voice is unique in a 'crazy homeless person shouting' kind of way, and is probably where I get the 'circus' vibe from. All in all, one of my favorite albums.
kurtkurtkurt: 7/10
Stuckski: 10/10
I feel like if Danny Elfman would have decided to create metal after Oingo Boingo instead of become a famous movie composer System of a Down is roughly what he would have made. These guys were all the rage when we moved to Arkansas back in the day (and Metallica and Slipknot and A Perfect Circle and Tool. Metal was king there.) I've always enjoyed the song Chop Suey, but I feel that they need to cut out almost whole minutes in some of their songs for me to enjoy the Album more.
What the hell kinda genre does System of a Down play anyways?! Circus Metal is about as close as I can get to describing it. Chaotic and hilarious, with songs like Bounce and Psycho especially keeping me laughing. The singer's voice is unique in a 'crazy homeless person shouting' kind of way, and is probably where I get the 'circus' vibe from. All in all, one of my favorite albums.
kurtkurtkurt: 7/10
Stuckski: 10/10
Friday, April 27, 2012
MTV Unplugged in New York by Nirvana
It's definitely not the strongest Nirvana album but it's still alright. I guess this went out to prove that they could make not loud music or something (Or it was just MTV unplugged and you can only be so loud on an acoustic set). Anyways most of their songs that they make acoustic turned out very eh. Their covers, on the other hand, definitely stand out. Lake of Fire and Plateau I thought were both pretty good.
Come nigh you heathens and listen to my holy words, for I am the ultimate HIPSTER! While everybody else worships this album, and claims it is the most awesome thing ever, I say...meh. Seriously though, I don't really see the point of this music. It doesn't affect my mood in any way, it's just some dude quietly moaning to himself about some Lake of Fire, a chick named Polly, and some more inanities. Quite frankly: it's boring.
kurtkurtkurt: 6/10
Stuckski: 4/10
It's definitely not the strongest Nirvana album but it's still alright. I guess this went out to prove that they could make not loud music or something (Or it was just MTV unplugged and you can only be so loud on an acoustic set). Anyways most of their songs that they make acoustic turned out very eh. Their covers, on the other hand, definitely stand out. Lake of Fire and Plateau I thought were both pretty good.
Come nigh you heathens and listen to my holy words, for I am the ultimate HIPSTER! While everybody else worships this album, and claims it is the most awesome thing ever, I say...meh. Seriously though, I don't really see the point of this music. It doesn't affect my mood in any way, it's just some dude quietly moaning to himself about some Lake of Fire, a chick named Polly, and some more inanities. Quite frankly: it's boring.
kurtkurtkurt: 6/10
Stuckski: 4/10
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Shootenanny! by the Eels
I couldn't put my finger on it for the whole album, but the lead singer sounds like Beck on certain songs (slow Sea Change era Beck). Anyways, these guys were alright, somber as hell, but alright. I'd definitely have to be in the right mood to listen to this over and over, or want to be in the right mood, or something. I'm not normally trying to be depressed so I can't say that it'd be too often. I did, however, enjoy having a horn section on the bluesy opening track All In a Day's Work. (well I just enjoyed that track in general I guess).
If you're a lonely alcoholic -as I aspire to be- then Shootenanny provides the perfect soundtrack for your daily tryst with that bottle of liquor. Gentle and melancholy, it is especially effective if you're drinking to forget...well anything. The rough vocals go down surprisingly smooth when you chase it with some gentle keyboard and a shot of rhythmic guitar. If rum is your poison of choice, then I recommend chugging it to the sounds of Love of the Loveless, which will lead you smoothly into oblivion. If you're more of a vodka person, then Agony might be for you, a harsher sound for a harsher drink. If it's whiskey you're wanting, then fuck you. Whiskey is awful.
kurtkurtkurt: 6/10
Stuckski: 9/10
I couldn't put my finger on it for the whole album, but the lead singer sounds like Beck on certain songs (slow Sea Change era Beck). Anyways, these guys were alright, somber as hell, but alright. I'd definitely have to be in the right mood to listen to this over and over, or want to be in the right mood, or something. I'm not normally trying to be depressed so I can't say that it'd be too often. I did, however, enjoy having a horn section on the bluesy opening track All In a Day's Work. (well I just enjoyed that track in general I guess).
If you're a lonely alcoholic -as I aspire to be- then Shootenanny provides the perfect soundtrack for your daily tryst with that bottle of liquor. Gentle and melancholy, it is especially effective if you're drinking to forget...well anything. The rough vocals go down surprisingly smooth when you chase it with some gentle keyboard and a shot of rhythmic guitar. If rum is your poison of choice, then I recommend chugging it to the sounds of Love of the Loveless, which will lead you smoothly into oblivion. If you're more of a vodka person, then Agony might be for you, a harsher sound for a harsher drink. If it's whiskey you're wanting, then fuck you. Whiskey is awful.
kurtkurtkurt: 6/10
Stuckski: 9/10
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Statesboro Blues: The Early Years 1927 -1935 (Disc 3) by Blind Willie McTell
I got into blues/country/bluegrass/folk a few years back and that's where I got this. It's really interesting this album kinda slaps every single recording he ever made together into one giant album. You end up getting several recording of the same song, just a different take, and where songs would be shelved as a b-side or just generally mediocrity they've been placed into this collection. His voice is okay, but just not quite there. Unfortunately he's no Leadbelly or Robert Johnson and it shows.
My own pappy loves playing guitar, and has instilled a love in me for blues and bluegrass, so I enjoyed Willie's guitar. His voice isn't quite so entertaining, and as for the lady who regularly throws in vocals...well let's just say I really wish she hadn't. I really, really do.
All in all, the guitar doesn't really make up for a lot of the grating vocals, and the mediocre sound quality (yeah, I know it's how most of the thirties sounded...and I don't give a fuck).
kurtrkurtkurt: 4/10
Stuckski: 5/10 (Nice guitar can only make up for so much)
I got into blues/country/bluegrass/folk a few years back and that's where I got this. It's really interesting this album kinda slaps every single recording he ever made together into one giant album. You end up getting several recording of the same song, just a different take, and where songs would be shelved as a b-side or just generally mediocrity they've been placed into this collection. His voice is okay, but just not quite there. Unfortunately he's no Leadbelly or Robert Johnson and it shows.
My own pappy loves playing guitar, and has instilled a love in me for blues and bluegrass, so I enjoyed Willie's guitar. His voice isn't quite so entertaining, and as for the lady who regularly throws in vocals...well let's just say I really wish she hadn't. I really, really do.
All in all, the guitar doesn't really make up for a lot of the grating vocals, and the mediocre sound quality (yeah, I know it's how most of the thirties sounded...and I don't give a fuck).
kurtrkurtkurt: 4/10
Stuckski: 5/10 (Nice guitar can only make up for so much)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Fragile by Seether
This album sucks. I can't bring myself to say any good things about it. I can't stand post-grunge, not one of those bands has made music you can get behind. Seether your music is BORING.
Imagine if Creed and Nickelback somehow managed to have a lovechild. Thoroughly nauseated yet? Well the result of that union would be something not quite unlike Seether. At some point these guys got together and asked themselves one question: "How can we make the most money for the least amount of effort?". This is incidentally the origin story of most post-grunge alt-rock bands.
kurtkurtkurt: 1/10
Stuckski: 1/10
Stuckski: 1/10
Monday, April 23, 2012
Until We Die by A Global Threat
Good news everyone!
This album is good just like the last A Global Threat album we reviewed. Now with more songs called Filthy Greedy Guilty. This album has a little less recording quality than the previous album we reviewed, which for punk doesn't mean a thing. "Hey you're gravely yell is a little better quality in this recording. Also when you're quickly playing as many chords as you possibly can do you think you could clean it up a tad?"
Hey there neighbor, still pissed about that Global Threat party I threw a coupla nights ago? Well that's too bad, because I'm crankin' it even louder tonight, and it's gonna get real! I'm gonna play an even louder album, and have even more fun. You should come over, I'll keep a fifth of vodka cool for ya. Hope to see you soon.
-Chuck the Punk
kurtkurtkurt: 8/10
Stuckski: 9/10
Stuckski: 9/10
Sunday, April 22, 2012
First Crush EP by Sabrepulse
I'm torn between not being a huge fan of electronica and being a huge fan of chiptune. I mean, I'm jealous of some of the sounds this guy can make (because I need to implant it into my music). However, I prefer my chiptune with less electronica and more of a traditional video game feel (unlike Stuck I DID play a lot of video games as a child).
Here's a little secret for all you wippersnappers: I didn't actually play that many vidyagames when I was little. One of my friends had a NES that I played maybe once or twice a year, and that's it. Not until college did I get into all the classic games, thanks to some really nerdy friends I made (thanks Drew, Hans, Kurt, Kyle and company). Try to keep it on the dl, I've got a reputation to keep up.
All this to say that the sense of nostalgia I get while listening to chiptune is entirely artificial. But you know what? I can live with that. Also, this EP is good like a grilled cheese sammich.
<edit> Kurt, you do realise that chiptune IS electronica right?
<edit> Every day of my life.
Stuckski: 8/10
kurtkurtkurt: 5/10
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Where The Sun Never Sets by A Global Threat
Mmmmmm! Some good ol' fashioned Punk Rock. Good taste in my mouth! They're political and angry, like most punk. 10 of their 18 tracks on this album don't even reach the two minute mark jus the way I like it! I wouldn't say they stand out in any way to other punk bands, but that's not always a bad thing. The Running Man is one of my favored tracks for it's featuring of the bass as the lead instrument (at least at the beginning).
What's that? It's 9:30pm and you're trying to get to sleep so you can be rested for work tomorrow? Oh dear, the asshole next door is blasting his devil's music and you can't get to sleep? Surprise bitch! That asshole is me, and I'm listening to Where The Sun Never Sets, so fuck off!
Ahhh punk, it just makes me want to chug some 40s, spray-paint something lewd on the walls and then kick a hole in it for good measure. Good times.
kurtkurtkurt: 8/10
Stuckski: 8/10
Friday, April 20, 2012
Un Coeur Comme le Mien by Axelle Red
I guess I wasn't in a calm music mood when I listened to this today. It was very long and tiresome. I guess she has an alright voice. I dunno just wasn't into it.
Fun fact: this lady is the top selling Belgian artist ever, mostly because she was hella popular in France. Despite my lingering distaste for all things related to that country, I admit I do have a weakness for women crooning in French. If punk is my energetic Extacy, then the Chanson genre is my spliff: One is for when I'm pumped up and energetic, the other for me to listen to when I want to relax and chill. Well, enough of my borderline dumbass metaphors. Peace.
kurtkurtkurt: 5/10
Stuckski: 8/10
Stuckski: 8/10
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Adventures of the O.C. Supertones by the O.C. Supertones
Ska is a genre I'm (verbally) harsh on because I love it. Granted it's rare I'll rate a ska album lower than 6. So imagine 6 being 1 or 2 for ska (or punk).
There were three major ska bands that were part of the Contemporary Christian Music scene. Contemporary Christian Music, or CCM is a sad distinction that was created in the 80s out of fear of the devilish modern music industry. The O.C. Supertones was one of these three ska bands. They popped out in the 90s with a load of other Ska bands that made up the 3rd Wave.
It's disappointing that they will always be judged as being good for a 'Christian band' instead of their own merit. For a ska band they were decent. They had all the right grooves and catchy melodies. The Adventures of the O.C. Supertones was I believe their first and it shows. Their horn section is stale always playing the exact same thing. Heaven and I Love God both being completely void of that horn section stick out as the strongest. But since bands like them hold a place in my youth I can never leave them out to dry.
The Supertones are one of the few reasons I don't hate all Christian bands. Instead of just riding the Jesus train, they also make some good music; you know...like musicians should do. Too many 'Christian' bands are content to make inferior music, safe in the knowledge that there are plenty of Christian kids and parents out there that will only buy music that sweet baby Jaysus would approve of anyways.
I have no problem with bands singing about their faith, any more than I have a problem with bands singing about their belief in legalizing weed, or singing about all that crack they used to sling down at the corner. Good music usually supersedes the lyrics.
Anyways, Adventures isn't as good as their other albums, but it's perfectly skankable by and large. Once in a while the rhythm slows down to a 'worship song' crawl, which is kind of annoying in what is otherwise a fast paced album.
kurtkurtkurt: 7/10
Stuckski: 7/10
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
City Baby's Revenge by Charged G.B.H.
Charged G.B.H. basically helmed the UK's Hardcore Punk scene in the 80s. City Baby's Revenge is fast, loud and rough. It's pit material if I've ever heard it. On this album in particular the opening songs are stronger, they slow it down a bit towards the end and it just doesn't work as well. Check out Prayer of the Realist or Wardogs.
UK Punk has always been one of my favorite subgenres, and Charged G.B.H. don't disappoint. A pure punk album from beginning to end, City Baby's Revenge is one long ride of chaotic drums, bass and guitar, accompanied by hoarsely shouted vocals. If you like punk, you'll like this. Unless you're one of those Panic at the Disco pussies. In which case…piss off. Faster, Faster probably gives a good taste of what these guys are all about.
kurtkurtkurt: 8/10
Stuckski: 8/10
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
14:59 by Sugar Ray
Another middle school era album. The turn of the century had a lot of good things coming out of it, especially music. Sugar Ray pumped out this beauty that just warms your heart. Everyone was rolling with this feel good rock, canned beats and turntables.
Ignoring the joke intro, the album kicks off strong with their single Every Morning. You're gently caressed by it's catchy guitar riffs. Well that and being asked to shut the door baby. Don't say a word. Someday feels like a lazy sunday afternoon on summer vacation, easing you into the, surprising, punk Aim for Me. I think the only song I've never been sold on is Abracadabra, always felt kinda cheesy.
Nineties music has a special place in my heart... and it doesn't get much more nineties than Sugar Ray. There's really not much I can say about 14:59 other than that it is upbeat and fun. Every Morning is one of those hits that will probably make it onto classic rock stations in a decade or so. Aim for Me is an awesomely loud punk track. Listen to it, enjoy it, thank me. That's about it.
kurtkurtkurt: 8/10 (We need to stop agreeing, make things more interesting)
Stuckski: 8/10
Stuckski: Just wait for all those rave and d&b albums to kick in kurt...
Monday, April 16, 2012
Horns of Hattin by The Templars
I'm not the biggest fan of this guy's voice. I think that's the biggest thing holding me back on this album. He has that low gravel-y 'I gargle rocks' type voice against a very bright punk. When he has supporting vocals, like on their cover of Backstreet Kids, it's not bad however.
I guess this sounds like a band sounding like a band sounding like the Sex Pistols, with a terrible vocalist.
This is a pretty straightforward punk album, and as such hard for me to judge impartially. Songs like Breakdown contain many of the elements that I love in the genre: Fast paced, high energy beats, gravely vocals, and and even some nice guitar solos. The problem is that this album does nothing to set itself apart from the rest of the punk rock world. There is nothing unique to be heard. I realize that it is impossible to be truly different these days, but I do believe that every band should strive to have something that makes them stand out from the crowd. That is something that The Templars simply lack. This is steady, middle-of-the-road punk. The very definition of average. And what the hell is up with the awful sound on the intro track? I get it, you're The Templars, but three minutes of shit quality latin intonation?
kurtkurtkurt: 5/10
Stuckski: 6/10
Sunday, April 15, 2012
FABulous Greatest Hits by Prince Buster
I love me some Trad Ska. Prince Buster knew how to sing him some songs, granted like most things in the 60s many contained sexist overtones. Also he had a lot of graphic songs about sex. But more importantly Prince Buster keeps an overall "Feel Good" to his songs. The album makes me smile and relax. 30 Pieces of Silver is probably the highlight of the album, the dual vocals during many of the parts, to me, captures one of the greatest parts of this music.
Two and a half words: Two. Tone. Ska. There are few happier sounds in this world! Once that upbeat tempo kicks in you can't help but feel like the world really is a happy place after all. Prince Buster delivers exactly that: some feel-good music that keeps your toes tapping and your head bobbing from start to finish. Pure fun. I'd have to say my favorite track was probably their rendition of My Girl.
Stuckski: 8/10
kurtkurtkurt: 8/10
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Stripped by Christina Aguilera
Well, well, well stuckski. Showing your true colors here eh? No matter; what has to happen has to happen!
I've actually never really listened to much of Christina's music so it was probably real good for me to sit down and have to do it. She has a beautiful voice, definitely more of a jazz/soul voice but she decides to put it against a traditional pop background. It's an interesting choice, not my favorite thing ever, but interesting none the less. I enjoyed the Latin flare of Make Over.
But as a whole the album just isn't my thing. Stripped all kinda seems remarkably unremarkable to me. I don't know I guess the beats are made to make you move in ways my body wasn't built for so I just don't feel it.
Christina. It's not you, it's me.
I'm going to give you all a couple of seconds to laugh your asses off about how I actually own this album. All Done? Great, on with the review. Stripped is a pretty generic pop album, featuring a mix of soulful songs, club anthems, and songs tailor-made for the radio. There's a reason pop producers stick to this formula, and that is because it works. I'm not much of a fan of this kind of pop, but it's catchy and I could see somebody with different musical tastes digging it. Surprisingly it's the quieter, more soulful tracks that really stand out. Aguilera (or whoever sings for her when she's not lip-syncing) provides some strong vocals on Beautiful, and manages to inject some true feeling into Walk Away. The louder club-pop songs are insipid and -at best- forgettable. If I had to point fingers, Dirrty is probably the worst of the bunch in that respect. I mean look at the name...two r's in dirty? What the fuck does that even mean?
kurtkurtkurt: 5/10
Stuckski: 4/10 (good pop album, but not my thing)
Friday, April 13, 2012
5th Demo by I Hate You When You're Pregnant
Okay so I got myself I Hate You When You're Pregnant's discography after hearing The Dollar Tree from either my sister or John Spriggs (I don't remember who showed me first). I thought to myself "Well isn't that a neat little tune. I'll see what everything else is like." WEEEELLLL... ends up it's basically this guy using his stock keyboard beats and singing on top. Apparently he was a better live act.
Remember that 'Doggy Bounce' song from Flight of the Concords? Well, Imagine that kind of music, but replace those two guys with a bunch of frat boys. Somebody just turned on a beat machine and threw in a few random tracks over the top of it, and then 'sang' whatever they felt like over the top of it.
Stuckski: 2/10 (At least it sounds like the band had fun making it.)
kurtkurtkurt: 3/10 The Dollar Tree kept it from being lower.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Ok Cowboy by Vitalic
Well it's electronica. I feel like I'm in a cyberpunk movie when I listen to it. It has a lot of drive to it. I guess it was nice to work too. I've also always liked distorted voices like in You are my Sun, I know that's what drew me into daft punk back in the day.
That said I'm just not too into most Electronica.
I shudder to think of Kurt's reaction to this album. We both have soft spots for certain musical genres that are not shared by the other...mine is electronica, his is country. So consider this the revenge of the savage random gods for having foisted Hank Williams on me!
All right, on to the actual album. I love it. 'La Rock 01' came out the summer after my third year in high school in Belgium, and it was a huge party hit for that entire summer. Vitalic has been stuck in my mind as a creator of feel-good music ever since. This album is an energetic collection of electronica that keeps me pumped from start to finish. Vitalic keeps his instrumentation varied enough that I never get bored of any of the sounds, which is a trap many electronica musicians fall into.
Stuckski: 9/10
kurtkurtkurt: 5/10
Stuckski: 9/10
kurtkurtkurt: 5/10
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Oink! by Hog Hoggidy Hog
My sister's Ex showed me this band. He (and they) are from South Africa.
They lay down some nice ska/punk I can't complain about. I think their brass section is a little weaker on some of their songs than I'd like, but not bad. Just weak (exceptions being "Aunty Trish"). Their strengths lie in songs like "Cold Fusion" where the music is catered to the strengths of a horn section playing the same thing together, almost a Voodoo Glow Skulls type feel.
I cannot tell a lie: it felt good to finally get a punk ska album to review. So if my review seems overly positive, it's just the punk withdrawal talking. That said, this album was a big surprise to me. Based on the name and cover, I was expecting crappy pop-punk or something similar. Instead I got an album that was reminiscent of everything I love about such bands as Catch22, Streetlight Manifesto, Skanking Pickle, etc... This is a very solid ska punk album, and you can't really ask for much more than that.
Best song: African Son (adding some traditional South African music influences really makes this song the standout in my books)
Kurtkurtkurt: 8/10 Because I like ska/punk.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Youth Rebellion by Tribal Seeds
This is pretty average Reggae. They sing about your token items; Ganja, Jah, I'm pretty sure I heard Babylon, even King David. Musically it's got a groove but there's not much to separate one song from the next.
Tribal Seeds At least gives me some Ska guitar at the beginning. So I'll take it and hold it close.
There have only been one or two artists I can think of since Marley himself who have created truly memorable reggae albums. Tribal Seeds are not amongst those artists, and neither is Youth Rebellion one of those albums. Not that this is a record without merit. The tracks resound with mostly solid reggae beats and decent vocals. If you like reggae, then you'll like this. It only fails the test of superseding the genre
Final verdict: This is good reggae, but not necessarily a great album.
Best Song: Dawn of Time (I really liked the guitar in this one)
Stuckski: 7/10
Kurtkurtkurt: 5/10
Monday, April 9, 2012
Icky Thump by the White Stripes
When my playlist randomed its way to Icky thump I was wondering why there were so few plays on it compared to the rest of their albums. Ends up it's because half of the songs are over 4 minutes in length for a band that shouldn't need much more than 3 and a half to get out what they have to say.
It's a slow album from start to finish. It's less stripped down than their early releases. It's overall pretty damn meh.
Conquest is probably the highlight.
Wow...I wasn't aware that there were White Stripes albums that did not contain either 'Seven Nation Army' or 'We're going to be Friends'. My Mistake...and also possibly theirs. It's not that any of the tracks are bad, and some are even quite good. 'Conquest' is a bombastic ballad, while songs like 'Bone Broke' recall some of their finest work. So it really is too bad that they apparently decided to just haphazardly toss all these tunes together and call it an album. It almost feels like a bad 'best of' mix with songs just slung one after the other. The result is a quite jarring listening experience. Come to think of it, that sounds like just the kind of thing the White Stripes would do on purpose. Or ironically. Or something. Well played you two...well played
Final verdict: Some good tunes, but too jarring to be a good album.
Best Song: Conquest (you had me at...brass section)
Kurtkurtkurt: 5/10
Stuckski: 5/10
Kurtkurtkurt: 5/10
Stuckski: 5/10
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Past Due By Hor!zen

This is actually the first time I've heard these guys (this was a Matt playlist item).They made sure to mention Sublime 20 times or so in the lyrics of this album, just in case you weren't sure that they were influenced by them.
Unfortunately, the album was boring and slow. I had a hard time concentrating through it. I'm sure if I was high I would change my opinion. Also I wonder if part of it was maybe this is a b-side.
There are many (oh God, so many!) bands like this out there. I assume they were all conceived under the influence of a generous helping of spliffs and Sublime records. The resulting sound is almost indistinguishable from said band (although usually worse). This isn't necessarily a completely bad thing, as some of these band go on to put their own spin on the genre, or even embrace their fate and become a Sublime cover band (no shame in that!). Sadly enough Hor!zon is neither of these, choosing rather to bumble along in the shadow of Sublime, while still pretending that their sound is original.
Final verdict: The music is entertaining enough, but if I want this kind of thing, I might as well go and listen to 40oz to Freedom again.
Stuckski: 4/10
Kurtkurtkurt: 3/10
Saturday, April 7, 2012
The Complete Hank Williams (Disc 1)

I love Hank Williams. I love this old timey / cowboy / country.
Apparently the guy has had many women in his lifetime leave him. (Or one person a lot). Thus he writes his lovesick cowboy songs. So God Bless those women. His music just makes you want to lean back in your recliner, sitting on your porch of course, and relax. Smile big. Life’s good.
I Saw The Light Technically this is a Live version, but it's actually better than the album version.
God, why does Kurtkurtkurt think it's a good idea to have about five billion albums by Hank Williams?! Well, the random gods have spoken, so I guess I shouldn't complain.
Actually, after listening I've gotta say there're a few good tracks on this disc. Some of the songs have a nice 'islandy' feel to them; what with that soft Hawaiian strumming going on in the background. I could definitely see myself listening to this while lazing in a hammock at the beach.
Still don't really like his more pure country stuff though.
Best Song: I Don't Care (if tomorrow never comes), I dare you not to imagine yourself on a Hawaiian beach after the guitars kick in about a third of the way in.
Stuckski: 5/10
Friday, April 6, 2012
The Longest Barrel Ride by Slightly Stoopid

Slightly Stoopid have this sound that’s like a ska/punk band deciding to have guitar player from a surf rock / jam band solo on top of their music every once in a while. Also the ganja. They sound like the ganja. They always seem to have a pretty solid sound, throwing down legit punk on “Johnny Law” or “Don’t Fuck’n Look” and solid Ska grooves on “Too Little Too Late” and “Living Dread. I think the one thing I’m never completely sold on is when they do songs like “Violence/FTP” which suffer from a mad case of taking too fucking long to finish. Also their reggae is alright, but not my favorite. All that said. Still love em.
Too Little Too Late Highlight of the album.
Too Little Too Late Highlight of the album.
I'm pretty sure that I've never actively listened to this album. Slightly Stoopid is my 'throw it on in the background while I'm doing other things' music. Even now -listening to it for the sole purpose of reviewing it- I'm finding it hard to focus on the music. It makes great background noise though, just the right mixture of punk and reggae tones. Too bad it's not memorable enough to stand out.
Best song: Jedi (because it's a reggae song about Jedi)
kurtkurtkurt: 7/10
stuckski: 6/10 (I think?)
Best song: Jedi (because it's a reggae song about Jedi)
kurtkurtkurt: 7/10
stuckski: 6/10 (I think?)
Thursday, April 5, 2012
All Killer No Filler by Sum 41

If you are one of the 7 or so people whom I consider my friends in this world, then there is one thing you know for certain: I love me the shit outta some Amaretto. It's easily my 4th favorite drink all time (1) for the simple reason that it's the nearest that alcohol gets to tasting like candy. It will also get you drunk as fuck pretty quick, especially if you mix it with Southern Comfort. All Killer has pretty much the same effect on my ears. Almost all the songs are catchy and easy to listen to, but are still solid enough to keep me coming back for more. And since I don't know dick about music, that is pretty much all I ask for. Too bad the rest of their albums aren't as good.
Best Song: Crazy Amanda Bunkface (and you all totally thought I'd go with Fat Lip)(1)In order the top 5 are: tea, hard cider, chocolate milk, amaretto, absynth.
Best Song: Crazy Amanda Bunkface (and you all totally thought I'd go with Fat Lip)(1)In order the top 5 are: tea, hard cider, chocolate milk, amaretto, absynth.
I think I was on my last year of middle school when this came out. Since I heard Asbestos Records was reissuing this on vinyl I acquired this baby about a week ago and finally decided to give the whole album a listen 11 years late. Lo and behold the random gods decided this was the first album we should review.The first half of this album seems to be stronger (It could also be that their singles were from the first half and I remembered them). “Never wake Up” graces us with some double time drums, and Fat Lip some Rap/Punk (which they got famous for, but it was only on this one song on the album). As of recently I can’t really get into the Blink 182 infused Pop Punk, which the latter half the album seems to resemble. So I guess the songs that have their unique sound are what stood out anyways.It’s catchy at least.
Never Wake up Personal fave of album.
Never Wake up Personal fave of album.
stuckski: 9/10
kurtkurtkurt: 6/10
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